Site last updated 24 March 2025
The Shropshire Association covers the towers in the Salop Archdeaconry of the Lichfield Diocese, and is roughly the area north of the River Severn, from near Wolverhampton in the southeast to Selattyn in the northwest. The rest of Shropshire is in the Hereford Diocese.
If you would like to know more about bellringing click here
If you would like to learn to ring please contact our secretary [ ] or go along to a tower near you on a practice night.
If you would like to learn to ring but you don't live in this area, please visit
Information about the towers in the Association, practice nights and Association events, and much else, can be found by following the links on the left or below.
Next Association event(s):
Saturday 12 April - Practice, Quarterly Meeting
7:00pm - 9:00pm approx
at Oswestry
Forwarding of emails to Association Addresses
Because of changes at our website hosting company the forwarding of emails addressed to is not possible at this time. The webmaster is working on finding a solution. Until then please address enquiries to our secretary, Sue Dancey [ ].
Association Training Morning March 2025
Five learners attended the Association’s first Training Morning of the year. Gill Glover led the training with assistance from eleven other ringers. Refreshments, including home-made cookies, were available throughout the morning. The ringing included lots of rounds, call changes, plain hunt on 5, and Plain Bob Doubles. There was also Stedman Triples for the more experienced ringers.
Thanks go to all those who helped make this event so enjoyable.
The next Association Training Morning is scheduled for 17 May, from 10am to 12:30pm, at Meole Brace. Please contact Gill Glover [ ] if you are interested in attending.
March 2025 Newsletter
The March 2025 Newsletter, which has a report of the New Members' Morning, and details of some upcoming Association events, including a Young Ringers' Get Together on 5 April, can be read and downloaded here.
The February 2025 Newsletter, which has details of some upcoming Association events, and a list of officers of the Association, can be read and downloaded here.First Quarter Peal Congratulations
Congratulations to Jenny Gray who has rung her first quarter peal.
New Association Rules
The new Association Rules, approved at the recent AGM, are now to be found by clicking the link on the left.
Support Your Association with SACBR Clothing
We can now offer members a range of items embroidered with the SACBR logo. These are embroidered to order: contact Biff Patterson [ ] for details or to place an order.
COLOUR: burgundy or navy, with embroidered logo and lettering in blue/white/black/gold
Short sleeve polo shirt cost £15, long sleeve polo shirt cost £20. Both of these are lightweight
cotton pique with cuffed short sleeves, button placket and fold down collar.
Sweat shirt costs £20.
T-shirts (cost £10) are also available.
12-13yr | S | M | L | XL | XXL | |
Chest | 32 - 34" | 34 - 36" | 38 - 40" | 42 - 44" | 46 - 48" | 50 - 52" |
Length | 27" | 28" |
Photos by Biff Patterson, Edric Broom
Some Central Council Items Moved
Some of the items from the Central Council that were avaialble on this page have now moved to the Links page. The items that have been moved are Index of YouTube Videos, "Calling It Round", Tower Access Guidance Notes, and Belfry Upkeep
Safeguarding Training
The Church of England has been working on an updated framework for Safeguarding training within the church. Dave Bassford (CCCBR Safeguarding Officer) and The Ringing World have given the Shropshire Association permission to include on this website an article written by Dave and appearing in the 21 January 2022 issue of The Ringing World.
In this article Dave explains that all ringers must take the Basic Awareness training (formerly C0). This is free, done online, takes about an hour to complete, and must be renewed every three years.
The Lichfield Diocese requires Tower Captains and those ringers in a role which involves work with children, young people or adults at risk, to also take the Foundation training (formerly C1), but not the Leadership training.
The trainings can be accessed by going to
About the Central Council
The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers has issued three documents about its work, volunteering with the Central Council, and what it means to be a Central Council Representative.
Those documents can be read and downloaded here:
What's the point of the Central Council.pdf,
Volunteering with the Central Council.pdf,
What does being a Central Council Rep mean?
Books For Bellringers
Are you looking for some practical, written help for yourself or your tower but don’t know what is out there? If so, Books for Bellringers may be what you need. It is a small collection of books aimed mostly at beginners but with some material for those learning methods. Towers can borrow the collection for a period of up to two months so that everyone has a chance to see what they might find useful. Individuals or towers can order copies of the books using the details in the catalogue supplied.
If you would like to borrow the collection please contact Gill Glover [] .
Committee Meeting
The next Association committee meeting will be held on Sunday, 8 June 2025.