Association Rules
1. Title
The Association shall be called 'THE SHROPSHIRE ASSOCIATION OF CHURCH BELLRINGERS FOR THE ARCHDEACONRY OF SALOP', hereinafter called the Association.
2. Affiliation
The Association shall be affiliated to the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers and shall abide by all decisions of that body.
3. Objectives
- To support the ringing of bells for Christian worship and on civic, celebratory and other special occasions
- To give advice and assistance to churches within the archdeaconry of Salop regarding the provision of new bells, and the augmentation, restoration or maintenance of existing installations
- To encourage inclusiveness in recruitment and training of ringers and help ringers to improve the standard of their ringing
- To encourage fellowship and communication among ringers
- To maintain a bell restoration fund to provide assistance to churches in the archdeaconry of Salop in the provision of new bells, and the augmentation, restoration or maintenance of existing installations for full-circle ringing.
4. Membership
- There shall be:
- Full members who may be elected at any business meeting or prior to a peal attempt. In the latter case, the election must be ratified at the next business meeting.
- Formerly resident life members who shall live outside the archdeaconry and not be members of a band at an archdeaconry tower. Any resident of the archdeaconry or member of a band at an archdeaconry tower who pays subscriptions for three years as a full member before moving out of the area automatically becomes a formerly resident life member without further payment.
- Non-resident life members who shall live outside the archdeaconry and not be members of a band at an archdeaconry tower. They may be elected at any business meeting or prior to a peal attempt on payment of a single full subscription. Elections prior to a peal must be ratified at the next business meeting.
- Honorary life members. The committee may propose for election at an AGM as honorary life members anyone who has rendered exceptional service to the Association. Notice of such a proposition must be given at the October business meeting.
- Only honorary life members and full members who are resident in the archdeaconry or members of a band at an archdeaconry tower may hold office or vote at Association meetings.
- The rate of annual subscription, the reduced rate for those under eighteen and receiving full-time education, and the part of the subscription to go towards the Bell Restoration Fund shall be decided at the AGM.
- Subscriptions shall run from January 1st to December 31st. Subscriptions for new members are due on election. Anyone elected after June 30th shall pay half of the appropriate rate for their first year only.
- Anyone whose subscription is not current is not entitled to any of the benefits of membership.
- Lapsed members may rejoin without re-election on payment of the appropriate current full annual subscription.
5. Management
- President - The Bishop Suffragan of Shrewsbury or The Archdeacon of Salop or any other appropriate person nominated by the committee shall be invited to be President of the Association.
- Officers
- Elections shall be held annually at the Association AGM for the following:
- Ringing Master - shall normally preside over business meetings and sign the minutes on behalf of the President. Shall ensure the proper running of ringing meetings.
- Treasurer - shall receive subscriptions and monies, pay bills, issue receipts. Shall prepare accounts of the Association and of the Bell Restoration Fund for examination by the Independent Examiners prior to the AGM.
- General Secretary - shall prepare the annual calendar of events in consultation with the committee; make arrangements for meetings; compile and circulate agenda and minutes of meetings; and deal with correspondence.
- Membership Secretary – shall maintain the list of members in accordance with Data Protection rules; shall notify members when subscriptions are due and receive monies in partnership with the Treasurer; shall present to Quarterly Meetings the nominations for membership.
- Social Secretary - shall organise the social events of the Association in consultation with the committee.
- Librarian - shall maintain the Association library and other Association assets.
- Bell Adviser - shall advise towers on matters of bell restoration and maintenance, and keep the committee informed of such projects. Shall inspect work that has been allocated funds from the Bell Restoration Fund prior to payment of the grant.
- Newsletter Editor – shall be responsible for promoting the work of the Association to the membership, and for producing a regular Newsletter.
- Webmaster - shall maintain the Association website; update the website content to ensure a clear and coherent identity in accordance with the wishes of the committee; and be responsible for ensuring the website complies with the Data Protection Act.
- Training Officer - shall be responsible for the co-ordination and organisation of training in accordance with the wishes of the committee and members.
- Report Editor – shall compile and present a published Handbook for the current year together with a Report of the Association for the previous year(s) in accordance with the wishes of the committee. Shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with the Data Protection Act.
- Safeguarding Officer - shall advise the Association on matters concerning protection and the current law; and publicise protection matters and advice to Association members through existing publication routes.
- Committee Member(s) - up to two committee members without specific duties.
- Committee
- Shall consist of the Association officers.
- The committee may co-opt additional members.
- Presence of at least half of the Officers shall constitute a quorum. This means half of the individuals elected to posts, not half of the posts. Where a committee member holds more than one post, they have only one vote.
- The Officers shall produce an annual report to the AGM, and shall consider and advise on all matters concerning the Association.
- Any decision regarding urgent business may be made by the Officers in committee, but must be reported to the membership at the next business meeting.
- Elections shall be held annually at the Association AGM for the following:
- Lichfield Diocesan Mobile Belfry Trustee(s) - two Trustees shall represent the Association at meetings of the Lichfield Diocesan Mobile Belfry Trustees; promote the use of the Mobile Belfry to the Association membership; and report to the AGM.
- Independent Examiner - shall carry out an annual independent examination of the accounts of the Association and the Bell Restoration Fund and ensure that they comply with the Association rules and current legislation. The Independent Examiner shall not hold other office in the Association.
- Central Council Representative(s) - shall represent the Association at meetings of the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers. They shall receive agenda and minutes of business and committee meetings. They may be replaced at any AGM following retirement or dismissal.
- In the event of the Association's ceasing to exist the Trustees (i.e. the Committee) shall be responsible for the winding-up of the Association's affairs and ensuring the dispersal of the Association's assets to appropriate charitable causes.
6. Meetings
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall normally be held on the second Saturday in January. Quarterly business meetings shall normally be held on the second Saturday of January, April, July and October.
7. Peals
- Every ringer in peals rung for the Association shall be a member of the Association, with at least half being full members who are resident in the archdeaconry or members of a band at a tower in the archdeaconry; or honorary life members; or formerly resident life members.
- A booking fee, to be decided annually at the AGM, shall be charged for peals. The conductor of the peal shall give the required fee to the Treasurer together with the peal details.
- All peals rung for the Association shall be entered in the Association peal records.
8. Expulsion
A two thirds majority of the members present at a business meeting may exclude a member if, after calling on the said member for an explanation, they consider the member's conduct to be contrary to the interests of the Association. The said member shall be given fourteen days' notice to appear, otherwise the matter shall be decided in the said member's absence. Excluded members shall forfeit all previous payments to the Association.
9. General
- Rules may only be altered at an AGM. Any new rule, or amendment to the existing rules will, unless otherwise stated, have effect from the end of the meeting.
- Written notice of any proposed alteration to the rules must be given to the Secretary prior to the October business meeting at which any such proposal shall be read out.
- The committee may call an Extraordinary General Meeting if some business arises which, in its opinion, ought to be presented to members before the next AGM. Any business normally transacted at an AGM may take place at an EGM, but notice of motions must be given at the time the meeting is called, and must be sent in writing to the Tower Correspondent of all towers where there are members, and displayed on the Association’s website, at least 14 (fourteen) days prior to the meeting.
- Membership of the Association means observance of these rules and any future amendments to them.