Baschurch, All Saints

All Saints, Baschurch

6 bells, tenor 13-1-13 in F# SY4 2EBSJ 422219

Sunday: 10.30 - 11.00am (1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays) as ringers available

Thursday: 7.30 - 9.00pm

Treble and second cast by John Taylor of Loughborough in 1997, third and tenor recast by the same foundry in 1909. These bells bear facsimile inscriptions taken from the ones they replaced - the third by an unknown founder and the tenor by Thomas Clibury of Wellington in 1662. The fifth is also a Clibury bell of the same date. The fourth is a Flemish bell cast by Jan van Venlo and dated 1447. The two oldest bells have had their canons removed and all the bells hang from metal headstocks in a frame which bears the date 1662 (Pickford 6.2: C1, D2, E3, F4, A5, B6)


Ringing is from a gallery with a glazed screen separating it from the nave. The access door is on the left inside the main west door. The ladder staircase rising to the bell chamber and the rope guides are fine examples of the Shropshire rustic style. The ringing room has an 1872 set of ringers rules, one of which is regularly ignored on Thursdays.  The church has a toilet and the village boasts the full range of facilities, but only the New Inn is close to the church.  Parking is on the roads adjacent to the churchyard. 

Baschurch tenor

The Tenor bell

Baschurch inscription

Facsimile foundry mark for Thomas
Clibury on the Tenor

Taylors badge

Taylor's foundry stamp and the
recasting date

Decoation band on 4th

The inscription band and decoration on the Dutch fourth bell


Detail from the decoration on the Taylor Trebles

Inscription on 5th

Detail of the inscription on the Thomas Clibury fifth bell

Frame date

The date 1662 carved on the frame,
together with the initials of the churchwardens
whose names appeared on the Thomas Clibury Tenor