On Sunday, 25 February 2024 at Oswestry, St Oswald King and Martyr, in 47 minutes

A Quarter Peal of 1260 Grandsire Triples

Tenor 13-3-19 in F

Jennifer A Hoare (Oswestry) Treble Peter Neil (Oswestry) 5
Anthony J Freemont (Oswestry) 2 Richard Major (Oswestry) 6
Christopher W Hoare (Oswestry) 3 Brian J Rothera (Oswestry) (Cond) 7
Cordelia Warr (Oswestry) 4 Benjamin J B Rothera (Oswestry) Tenor

For reflective service and as a thank you to Rosemary Thomas
for her generous donation and in memory of J.R. Thomas who proposed to Rosemary
in this tower and, in October 1957, conducted a quarter peal of Grandsire Triples
to mark the birth of their daughter Alison