Shropshire Association

Meole Brace, Shrewsbury, Shropshire - at the Church of the Holy Trinity

On Sunday, 24th November 1985, in 2 hours and 31 minutes

A Peal of 5040 Stedman Triples

Composed by Thomas Thurstans (Heywood's Transposition)

Tenor 7¼ cwt

John Harrold Treble Brian S B Kear 5
Margaret A Swain 2 Lewis D K Roberts 6
Susan J Green 3 Roger G Green 7
Alan M Glover 4 John A Crum Tenor

Conducted by Roger G Green.

First Stedman Triples and completes the family - 4.

80th birthday compliment to Mrs E M Kear,
mother of the ringer of the 5th.

873. RW3895/6.1096 20/27.xii.1985