The Shropshire County Association

Whitchurch, Shropshire - at the Church of St Alkmund

On Monday, 1st August 1927, in 3 hours and 6 minutes

A Peal of 5040 Grandsire Triples

Composed by Joseph J Parker (Twelve-part)

Tenor 30 cwt in E (sic)

Albert Biggs Treble John Gibson 5
Edwin Barker 2 Fred Ryder 6
Robert Sperring 3 Edward V Rodenhurst 7
John G Nash 4 Herbert Taylor Tenor

Conducted by Robert Sperring.

First peal - Treble, 2, Tenor.
First peal of Grandsire Triples - 4.
First peal since January 1st 1889 - 6.

Ringers of Treble, 2, 5, 6, and Tenor belong to the local band
and were elected members of the Association previously.
Mr Nash is from London and was elected a life member.

Rung on the occasion of the wedding of
Miss Ruth Taylor (daughter of the Tenor ringer), and Mr Fred Hatton

6. RW855.500 12.viii.1927