Shropshire Association

Hodnet, Shropshire - at the Church of St Luke

On Saturday, 13th November 1971, in 2 hours and 58 minutes

A Peal of 5040 Plain Bob Triples

Composed by B Annable

Tenor 12 cwt

Elizabeth Gee Treble Nicholas C R Cronin 5
Rachel Gee 2 Fred C Pugh 6
Richard E Morris 3 Barnabas G Key 7
Leslie F Smith 4 Gerald Mothershaw Tenor

Conducted by Barnabas G Key.

First peal - Treble, Tenor.
First Triples - 2.

Farewell to Rev A Gee, leaving for Moxley.

608. RW3165.1105 24.xii.1971

The RW originally published the ringer of 2 as Ernest R Morris and Tenor as Gerald Mottershead.
Correction published in RW3170.91 28.i.1972