Shropshire Association
R C Stevens' Peal Week

Newport, Shropshire - at the Church of St Nicholas

On Monday, 30th August 1971, in 2 hours and 50 minutes

A Peal of 5040 Grandsire Triples

Composed by Joseph J Parker (Twelve-part) - 7th observation

Tenor 13½ cwt

Neil A Cullum Treble Philip R Johnson 5
Elizabeth Stevens 2 Philip J Day 6
Lorna E Bedford 3 Frederick M Mitchell 7
Richard C Stevens 4 Ernest F Willcox Tenor

Conducted by Richard C Stevens.

First of Triples - 7.

A compliment to Irene and John Evans (local ringers)
on the birth of a son (Jeremy Shane).

595. RW3154.874 8.x.1971