Shropshire Association

Hodnet, Shropshire - at the Church of St Luke

On Saturday, 3rd September 1966, in 2 hours and 58 minutes

A Peal of 5088 Bristol Surprise Major

Composed by L Goodall

Tenor 12-0-24 in F

Raymond J Ballard Treble F Hector Bennett 5
Norman Sherratt 2 Gerald Parsons 6
David J Midgeley 3 Dennis Latham 7
T Felicity Webber 4 Roy Worrall Tenor

Conducted by Dennis Latham.

First peal of Bristol 'inside' - 3, 6.
100th peal - 7.
First in the method as conductor.

A birthday compliment to the ringer of 6.

513. RW2892.628 23.ix.1966