Shropshire Association

Coalbrookdale, Shropshire - at the Church of the Holy Trinity

On Wednesday, 12th June 1935, in 3 hours and 14 minutes

A Peal of 5067 Stedman Caters

Composed by J S Goldsmith

Tenor 19 cwt in D

William H Fussell Treble Christopher Gudgeon 6
Mrs R Richardson 2 Ernest J Butler 7
John W Jones 3 Rupert Richardson 8
Charles T Coles 4 John S Goldsmith 9
George R Pye 5 James H Sheppard Tenor

Conducted by Charles T Coles.

Rung on the occasion of the Annual Meeting of the Central Council of
Church Bellringers at Shrewsbury, Whitsun 1935.

47. RW1265.391