Shropshire Association

Shrewsbury, Shropshire - at the Collegiate Church of St Mary the Virgin

On Wednesday, 1st May 1963, in 3 hours and 29 minutes

A Peal of 5039 Grandsire Caters

Composed by B Jealous

Tenor 19-2-10 in E flat

Frederick G Beddow Treble Michael R Wycherley 6
John W Griffiths 2 Frederick A H Cattell 7
Clifford A Barron 3 Edward V Rodenhurst 8
Frederick Leech 4 Reginald H Newton 9
Philip J Evans 5 Robert Nicholls Tenor

Conducted by John W Griffiths.

Rung immediately following Evensong in the presence of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
in celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the granting of a charter to this church by King Edgar.

455. RW2717.334 17.v.1963