Shropshire Association

Hodnet, Shropshire - at the Church of St Luke

On Saturday, 25th November 1961, in 3 hours and 1 minute

A Peal of 5040 Grandsire Triples

Composed by Joseph J Parker (Twelve-part) - 7th observation

Tenor 12-0-24

Peter Morris Treble Albert H Lawton 5
Richard E Morris 2 Ian Friend 6
E Marion Key 3 Barnabas G Key 7
Edward V Rodenhurst 4 Michael R Wycherley Tenor

Conducted by Barnabas G Key.

394. RW2643.846 15.xii.1961

Ringer of Tenor ringer originally published as Michael J Hayward.
The correction was published in RW2645.873 29.xii.1961.