Shropshire Association

St Martins, Shropshire - at the Church of St Martin of Tours

On Saturday, 10th June 1961, in 2 hours and 31 minutes

A Peal of 5040 Minor

Seven methods: One extent each of Thelwall, Double Oxford, Childwall, St Clement's,
Cambridge Surprise, Kent Treble Bob and Plain Bob

Tenor 7-2-22

Richard E Morris Treble Reginald H Newton 4
Beryl W Abbott 2 Harry Poyner 5
Mary C Poyner 3 F Hector Bennett Tenor

Conducted by Harry Poyner.

First peal in seven Minor methods - Treble, 2, 4.

Rung as a wedding compliment to the Duke and Duchess of Kent;
also as a compliment to the Duke of Edinburgh on his 40th birthday.

383. RW2618.418