Shropshire Association

Coalbrookdale, Shropshire - at the Church of the Holy Trinity

On Saturday, 6th November 1926, in 3 hours and 21 minutes

A Peal of 5067 Stedman Caters

Composed by James E Groves

Tenor 19 cwt in D

William Saunders Treble Alfred S Bayley 6
William Short 2 G Leonard Hewitt 7
Bert Rixom 3 Walter Lago 8
Robert Evans 4 James E Groves 9
William D Wase 5 Joseph L Stanier Tenor

Conducted by James E Groves.

First peal of Caters - 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, Tenor.

All the band are local men except Messrs Groves and Short

First peal on the bells since they were augmented to ten by Mears & Stainbarck (sic),
the tone and 'go' being very satisfactory.

Specially arranged and rung during Princess Mary's visit to Shropshire.

2. RW816.706 12.xi.1926