Shropshire Association

Ellesmere, Shropshire - at the Church of St Mary the Virgin

On Saturday, 10th October 1953, in 3 hours and 1 minute

A Peal of 5040 Stedman Triples

Composed by Thomas Thurstans - F H Dexter's No 1 Variation

Tenor 21 cwt (approx.) in E

Frederick R Evans Treble Richard D Langford 5
George A Packer 2 John W Griffiths 6
Thomas R Butler 3 Arthur Pritchard 7
John W Best 4 Percy Swindley Tenor

Conducted by Thomas R Butler.

In memoriam of Thomas Butler (Senior) and Alick Haynes,
ringers at this tower for many years.

First peal on the rehung bells.

257. RW2221.688 23.x.1953