Shropshire Association

Malinslee, Shropshire - at the Church of St Leonard

On Saturday, 3rd January 1953, in 2 hours and 45 minutes

A Peal of 5040 Grandsire Doubles

Being 30 six-scores (10 callings) and 6 240s (Morris's arrangement)

Tenor 8¼ cwt

Brian Amias Treble R Michael Barnett 4
G Leonard Hewitt 2 Henry Douglas 5
Margaret Jones 3 Alan V Edwards Tenor

Conducted by Henry Douglas.

First peal - Treble, 3.
First peal of Grandsire by all, except the ringer of the 2nd.
First peal on the bells for 18 years.

(The last footnote is inaccurate. A letter from E Dennis Poole to RW 20.ii.1953
points out the peals rung on 26.xii.1938, and 28.x.1944,
all for the Shropshires).

246. RW2184.84 6.ii.1953