Shropshire Association

Wellington, Shropshire - at the Church of All Saints

On Tuesday, 2nd July 1929, in 3 hours and 9 minutes

A Peal of 5040 Grandsire Triples

Composed by Joseph J Parker (Twelve-part) - Groves' variation

Tenor 16-1-2

Harry Whalley Treble William A Fletcher 5
William Saunders 2 John H Hayward 6
Arthur Pritchard 3 Edward V Rodenhurst 7
George E Oliver 4 Joseph L Stanier Tenor

Conducted by Edward V Rodenhurst.

First peal of Triples - Treble, 4.
First peal of Triples with a bob bell - 6.
The conductor's 200th peal.

First peal on the bells since they were re-tuned and re-hung
by Messrs Mears and Stainbank.

Rung with the bells half-muffled as a token of respect to the late Mr A W Barber,
who was interred on the above date.

17. RW957.467 26.vii.1929