Shropshire Association

Beckbury, Shropshire, at the Church of St Milburga

on Thursday, 28 July 2022 in 2 hours and 29 minutes

A Peal of 5040 Treble Bob Minor

6 methods: One extent of Primrose Surprise, Beverley Surprise,
Surfleet Surprise, Kent Treble Bob, Oxford Treble Bob,
and two extents of Cambridge Surprise

Tenor 4–2–18 in Db

E Ann Williams Treble Adrian G Roberts 4
Nicola J Galton 2 Matthew Lawrence 5
Gail K Lawrence 3 Andrew W Gordon Tenor

Conducted by Andrew W Gordon.

50th peal this year - Tenor.

A Platinum Jubilee peal for Beckbury locals who love to hear the bells.

1130. RW5808.788 19.viii.2022