Shropshire Association

Church Eaton, Staffordshire - at the Church of St Editha

On Friday, 11 February 2022, in 2 hours and 45 minutes

A Peal of 5040 Minor

6 methods: One extent each of Cambridge Surprise, Kent Treble Bob,
Oxford Treble Bob, St Clement's College Bob,
and Lakesend Bob and two of Plain Bob

Tenor 9-3-9 in F

E Ann Williams Treble Adrian G Roberts 4
Trevor L Lock 2 Kevin M Price 5
Nicola J Galton 3 Andrew W Gordon Tenor

Conducted by Kevin M Price.

Rung in celebration of HM Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee.

Also remembering Joe Sleath, and Charlie and Fred Getley,
who rang here in former days.

First peal on the bells since 1985.

1118. RW5783.184 25.ii.2022