Shropshire Association

Coalbrookdale, Shropshire - at the Church of Holy Trinity

On Saturday, 3 January 2015, in 3 hours 3 minutes

A Peal of 5040 Grandsire Triples

Composed by J J Parker (7th obsv)

Tenor 18-3-27 in D

Geoffrey A Edwards Treble Adrian G Roberts 5
Madeline J Harris 2 Simon Adams 6
Gareth B R Jones 3 Andrew W Gordon 7
Gail K Lawrence 4 Robert A Davis Tenor

Conducted by Andrew W Gordon.

100th peal for the Association - 7.

First peal 'inside' - 2.

First peal of Grandsire Triples - 5.

1011. RW5413.90 23.i.2015