HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSHIP – the recent history

The awarding of Honorary Life Membership to those who have rendered “exceptional service” to the Association has featured in our rules for many years. In 2014 the committee noted that there hadn’t been such an award for over 10 years. When it was raised at the 2015 AGM, members commented that it had simply ‘disappeared from their radar’ and agreed that the matter should receive attention.

Rule 4 a) (iv) states that:

“The committee may propose for election at an AGM as honorary life members anyone who has rendered exceptional service to the Association. Notice of such a proposition must be given at the October business meeting.”

The committee considered the process by which it should select names from amongst any nominations received to be proposed to the membership in the above way. The need for a consistent approach and for a means to judge what constituted ‘exceptional service’ was recognised. The purpose of trying to ensure that only those who were worthy would be proposed was addressed with the set of guidelines below that have since been applied. These examples of service give an indication of what the committee believes should be expected.


What should we expect of an ‘ordinary’ member?

What should we expect of a more dedicated member?
The above plus, for example,:

What should we expect of an outstanding member?
The above plus, for example,:

What should we expect of an exceptional member?
The above, plus there must be a clear ‘step change’ above and beyond this. This might be via, for example,: